Wednesday 31 October 2012

The undeniable truth

Eniola Obafemi
The Reveal
Colton was intently reading the newspaper at night when Sarah, his wife, made a disgruntled comment, “Honey, there is something on my mind. Can we talk for a minute?”
            “Right now,” Colton replied rather irritated, “I am reading the paper; I am sure that can wait.”
            “But I am tired of waiting night after night honey. Please….. I need to get this off my chest.”
            Colton took off his glasses slowly; displeased and annoyed with her response he exclaimed, “Okay! What is the problem that you cannot seem to get off your chest? You can clearly see I am extremely busy.”
            The room was silent for a few minutes, and then in a low hush, Sarah replied, “I am pregnant….”
            “I am so sorry," he sneered sarcastically  "I did not hear you the first time. You are what?” yelled Colton.  
            Filled with fear, Sarah did not reply. She just stayed still for a moment. With a head of steam coming out from his ears, Colton exclaimed, “Since when did you know about this!”
            “About three weeks. I am so sorry I did not tell you earlier.”
            Colton looked at her in disgust and remarked, “Honey, I am so sorry I yelled at you at first,” he replied in a lower tone, “I have a lot on my mind and it has been a tough week for me.”
            “It is okay babe; I just wanted to let you know. Actually, I thought you would be really excited,” she replied.
            Colton looked up to his wife and remarked in a low whisper, “I am really excited for you honey,…..for us. This is one of the happiest days of my life and I am happy I am sharing it with you.”
            Sarah moved closer to him and rubbed his back with a delicate touch. “Honey I have been planning for the child too, where the crib will be and the clothes she would wear”
            With a distressing look, he starred at her and muttered "Did you just say 'she'."
            "I beg your pardon honey," she replied with a glow in her face.
            He shot back, "No, I did not say anything."
            Sarah returned back to rubbing his back while Colton ducked his head between his head and a tear drop cascaded down his eyes; because he knew he had been cheating on Sarah.

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