Saturday 22 September 2012

The Encounter

George looked up from shoeing the horse to see the outline of Curley's wife in the doorway of the barn. They were alone. Immediately, George's facial expression change drastically; from glowing with joy to feeling nauseated. His lips trembled in horror, feeling the tension in the air. Suddenly, he started sweating bullets.  His hands were sweaty then he stopped shoeing the horse. He was transfixed with what he was seeing. A brilliant light beamed through the barn doorway revealing Curley's wife. She stood against the door in a slantly position caressing her silky black hair cascading down her shoulders.  Her lips were ruby red and reflected like glass due to the sunlight. Her icy blue eyes stared intently at George. Then she smiled. George's eyes were still engaged on the magnificent creature that is Curley's wife. Still in awe, he spoke stuttering, "Say, what....... what you doin' here."
    She walked with an angelic stride towards George and spoke "I thought you only work on the ranch," she said, "what you shoein' a horse for?"
     "Crooks ain't here," George replied " and time is money here, the boss tells me to do sometin' and I do it."
    She stopped in her stride and sat on some hay. "It's pretty cool in here," she said while playing with her dress, "don't you wanna just stay here, now's as good a time as any."
    George looked at her in a pleading manner, "You are barking up the wrong tree," he said. There was fear in his eyes, but he still fixed it solely on her.
     "Can't a girl just talk to someone!" she barked. Then back in her calm state she said "What's your deal anyways?"
      George was stiff as a board "Ma'am I think you should go back to your home," he said looking down at the ground.
       She smiled and sighed, "That's not a home, I don't even like Curley" she said in an attempt to butter him up. "I just wanna be as free as a bird and talk to someone."
     Although George was tempted to talk because of her plea he said, "Ma'am I don't want you stirring up trouble, You seem nice and all but I don't want to get canned."
       Not paying attention to George, she started to pour out her emotions. "Goddam it, haven't you been listenin' to me, I hate his guts. I can't even go a day without crying in that house, his crazy that's what he is. I want to talk to a guy a like you, seem like your heart as good as gold and you won't go out blabbing to the other guys." Her voice went soft and calm, "I never met a man I didn't like, but Curley is just as mean as a snake."
      But George just stared at her with his eyes cold as icicles and didn't say a word.
    "Won't you talk to me," she said in a cold whisper.
George came close within two feet of her, with cold hands, warm heart and whispered, "It'll be okay." Before she could talk, he bolted out of the barn and into the field although he forgot to finish shoeing the horse.  

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