Friday 7 September 2012

About me

 Eniola Obafemi appears to be nothing more than affable young teenager who seems to be overly underrated considering his meek and reserved personality. Some may come to a feeble conclusion that he spends most of his time reading books “for fun” and punishing him self drastically by waking up at 5 o’clock every morning. But to the surprise of most, he has a paradoxical side that portrays him as being unpredictable, making him the ultimate beast. Being so obsessed with sports especially soccer, he believes one must “be an animal on the field and a gentleman off it”. While playing soccer in full flight, his majestic nature is revealed. He appears to be as elegant and graceful like a gazelle. Hence, has proven to be an entertaining “star” while he graces the glamorous green grass pitch. Moving to the interesting stuff, he explores the world strategically like a black mamba stalking its prey, mainly to gain a better understanding on how he can be a better person.

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