Friday 7 September 2012


What do you want out of your final year in high school?
     Who knows what the Grade 12 might befall on an average seventeen year old. Its claws are sharp and gripping which makes it impervious to the mind of a graduate. Some may make the most out of it(be it negative or positive) by going to parties and getting “wasted” or getting involved in bizarre activities to leave a mark on their high school experience. People that fall into this category are just plain old “bonkers”. Others may want to burn the midnight oil and work themselves to the ground in order to achieve that scholarship opportunity or improve that grade point average for a better post-secondary education. These individuals are called the “over-achievers”. Additionally, there are the “realists”. They believe that [it] is not just another year of high school education; it does not just dissipate like all other academic sessions. But this period of time is a predicament in which you define yourself as an individual. One who can flourish in the ‘real’ world. One must be the captain of their own ship to be able to achieve what he or she wants. Sure, there are a lot of mind-blowing distractions that may hinder your progress, but that is what makes the year all the more enthralling. Formidable! They also describe the thrilling period as a survivor series episode; where one starts off youthful and crisp but ends up lifeless. A year where your survival instincts are put to the test and your decisions will shape you as person. Gnaw, scratch, calculate..... for this year is unforgiving. The year is unpredictable and continuously reveals a different meaning to everyone across the world, but it is what you make out of it that really matters.

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